Monday, October 4, 2010

Welcome to the blog!

As I discussed with some of you this morning, I created this blog to give you an opportunity to share and learn more than we have time for in class. I know that sexuality is a broad, controversial, and fascinating are and I wanted you to have an opportunity to go beyond what we do in class. At this point, the blog is not required or graded. I would be interested to hear your thoughts and comments on incorporating a blog into future curricula, however.
Please share links, current events, opinions, questions, and even comments on class here! This is your open forum and (at this point) there are no rules! Happy blogging...


  1. I also mentioned in class today that I am open to modifying course requirements based on blog activity. In other words, if people become very proactive in blogging and sharing knowledge with one another, I may be inclined to waive future assignments. :)

  2. I'm having trouble figuring out how to post to the blog, I'm able to follow this blog and read anything posted but unable to post to it myself. Am I misunderstanding how this is supposed to work? 0_0 I read the directions, but I'm not seeing the two blogs you described would be in my blog list.
