Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sexin women with mental disabilities

I thought I would get the conversation started on women with mental retardation (MR) and their sexual issues.

A quick Google search brought up articles that related mostly to reproductive rights.  I didn't bring this up (although it is very relevant) because it is an entirely different conversation and we only have time for so much! Good thing there's this blog to talk about more interesting stuff...

Much of the debate surrounding women with MR is if they have the right or if it is right for them to get pregnant. There are people who believe that we should have mandatory sterilization of women with MR to protect both them, their potential children, and their family members from this possible burden. Some believe that is the women's right to be pregnant and have a child if they choose. I think there are even more people somewhere along the spectrum in between who aren't sure what the heck they think!

So, what do YOU think? What is best for these women? Their children? Their family? Society? What is right?


  1. Here's a link to an outline for a class lesson that covered this topic:

  2. I work as a Provider for the Franklin County Board of DD and have been with the same family for almost 5 years. Their daughter that I work with has Autism, Cerebral Palsy, and would be considered cognitively delayed. That being said, she is relatively high functioning for her impairments, i.e. she can walk, looks physically typical, but is non-verbal. She cries and laughs, but is not able to communicate with words the way we do.

    Her parents have decided with her doctor (since she is turning 13 in December) that they will let her go through two normal months of her cycle, then put her on birth control and prevent her from having periods. From their view, the parents have decided that she is in no fair position to say whether or not she even wants a child. Plus, the first priority is her safety, and to prevent any unwanted pregnancies if she were to be taken advantage of at anytime in her life.

    All of this being said, I personally feel with my experience in the field that parents do take careful planning and consideration of these matters. Since most disabilities have a wide spectrum of functioning levels, I would assume most parents and the women contemplating having children would need to consider how much the woman can fully understand the responsibilities of parenthood,and if she is even mentally or physically able...

    Anyone agree or disagree? - Ashley G.
