Wednesday, October 6, 2010

South Carolinian Senator Says Gays and Sexually Active Single Women Shouldn't Teach

The link to the very short story is here

My immediate reaction was to notice the senator seems to have no problem with sexually active single men. Also, what does a person's sexual orientation or private activity have to do with their ability to teach? Thoughts, feelings?

(Also, sorry for posting twice in one night 0_0)


  1. There is an irrational fear among some more conservative groups that gays prey on or "recruit" children. Statistically, the vast majority of sex offenders are straight. So that argument is unfounded. Personally, I think a gay teacher may be even more empathic when it comes to teaching and dealing with adolescents, since they likely had a rough time in high school themselves (I don't want to generalize here, though, I know plenty of gay adults who had a good adolescence!)
    As for sexually active single women, I think some people are scared of female sexuality! This is something we will touch upon in this class...I believe, in the Katz reading!

  2. 94% of all sexual predators are heterosexual men.

    Question: Are there openly gay educators teaching in public schools right now? "Open" being the key word, education has a long history, I suspect, of unmarried women and men..but again maybe the insistence on the binary identity of hetero/homo wasn't a factor in determination in the past. "Spinsters" were quite accepted in society through the Victorian era and through modern times.

  3. I was watching the news a couple of months ago and a woman was fired from her job because she became pregnant before she was married. She worked in a Christian school as a teacher and she had been engaged to get married so I assume her and her fiance were having sex and she got pregnant approximately two weeks or so before her wedding and once she had her child someone she worked with asked her when did she conceive he child and she told them. Next thing she knew she was being fired for having premarital sex while teaching at a Christian school and they proceeded to tell the students' parents why she was fired. This outraged me, why does someone's personal life dictate how they will do their job?
